Grief Support Groups

Weekly in-person support groups for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one.

Grief is lonely, and everyone grieves in their own way. Sometimes it’s helpful to be with others who are also grieving in their own lonely way. A peer grief support group is a time-tested and effective way to process grief. By sharing and listening to others, we feel less lonely and grief can begin to feel less heavy. These groups follow the model designed by Dr. Patrick Arbore and which are currently in practice by San Francisco Village. (In fact, I regularly attend and rely on a support group at SF Village.)

What to expect in group:

  • Tell your story. Speak your loved one’s name.

  • Have your feelings seen, heard, and understood.

  • Cultivate empathy by listening to each other’s stories.

  • Connection and community with other grievers.

These are ongoing, drop-in groups, but space is limited. Because of the sensitive nature of traumatic loss, one group is only open for those who are traumatic loss survivors. A conversation with me is required to join any of the groups. Please review the details for each group below, then submit the interest form with your preferred times for a phone call.

Grief support for Everyone

These groups are for anyone grieving a loved one who died because of physical illness or the aging process.

Mondays, 9:30 am - 11:00 am

Nurture Wellbeing

6307 California Ave SW

Seattle, WA, 98136

Mondays, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Mama Be Well Healing Studio

4034A California Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98116

Grief support for traumatic loss Survivors

All grief is valid, important, and difficult. I’ve created this group specifically for people who have lost someone suddenly, and possibly violently, to ensure a brave and safe space to discuss the loss and the complicated relationship to grief and the loved one who has died.

The National Institutes of Health defines traumatic loss as “the loss of loved ones in the context of potentially traumatizing circumstances. Examples are losses due to homicide, suicide, accidents, natural disasters, and resulting from war and terror.”

Please indicate on the form whether you would like to attend the support group for traumatic loss survivors.

Thursdays, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Counseling West Seattle*

6957 California Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98136, USA

*The meeting room is on the second floor, up a narrow and steep set of stairs. Please reach out if this is not accessible for you so we can change the meeting location.

My deepest gratitude is extended to the healers who have provided space for the grief support groups: Counseling West Seattle, Mama Be Well, and Nurture Wellbeing. Please consider using their services as part of learning to hold your grief and comfort yourself.